2020; The Best Bits (because there were some)

While 2020 was the year that brought us many challenges as a global society, it marks a year of change. A year that, perhaps we’d all secretly been waiting for. How else could we sustain the rapid destruction to the planet that our modern lives involve? For a virus to destroy travel and air traffic as we know it, to give in and let nature run it’s course - prioritising health and well-being before capitalism.

Ok, some strong opinions. And it’s ok for me, I bunkered down for a while here in New Zealand but the population size and strict and quick action taken by the government (thank you Aunty Cindy!) meant that the endurance wasn’t too intense for us and life soon returned to somewhat normal. There were times in 2020 that I found magic, through seeking it out in nature. Yes, even in the darkest depths of lockdown, I became obsessed with the cycle of the moon, the whereabouts of the stars and the colours of sunrise and sunset. It was a great excuse to do what I love doing… to observe nature.

Promoting that feeling of being grounded and connected to our environment has always helped me through times of stress and anxiety. A mindful approach to everyday life is one of the toughest, I find myself slipping away often, but enjoy taking myself back to that time when I was more connected than ever. I know I’m one of the lucky ones, I’ll have my shit years too. All my thoughts are with those who have been going it tough this year, in whatever capacity that may be. Here’s to you for making it to 2021 and I wish you all the good vibes and happiness for the future.

Here are the highlights through my lens. Enjoy!


2021: The Best and Worst Year Yet


A Romantic Weekend Getaway in the Coromandel in Photos